Monday, November 27, 2006
10:49 PM

my perfect major

You scored as Sociology. You should be a Sociology major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

HAHAHA sociology and dance!
It's my natural flair for dancing showing through! xD

HAHAHAHA I'm so sorry, I'm laughing at myself.

Vanilla Banana! Post a Comment

9:29 PM


Today, I received my first wedding proposal!

Unfortunately, it didn't happen after a romantic dinner and wine, under soft starlight with the caressing wind weaving words of love through my hair, surrounded by 521 (it's supposed to mean i love you or sth) candles arranged to form a burning heart, with a 10 carat diamond ring presented, on his knees, by a handsome prince charming - no! It went like this.

Think 20 old men and women sitting around in tables of 4 playing UNO stack, mahjong and carem. A little cranky old lady in a wheelchair, shouting periodically, wo3 yao4 hui2 jia1, i want to go home, then suddenly turning to the nearest volunteer and demanding, ni3 jia4 gei3 wo3 er2 zi3 ba4, marry my son!

Yes, that's how it went, only that she repeated her demand quite few times, in different variations. Sometimes it was just, ni3 jia4 ren2 le4 ma1, are you married? or, (gesturing to a girl) ni3 jue2 de2 ta1 hao3 ma1, do you think she's good (for my son)? Before that, she sincereley told me that I was very guai and pretty :D and that the old gentleman sitting opposite me had really long eyebrows (which he did, and he's a very nice jolly old fellow)! But yes, this is today's most exciting event. :)

Helping out didn't really give me the sense of accomplishment I thought I would get, as it had been with ICYL and production. Instead, I felt a little tug, stronger than before, in my heart, to do everything I can for these people.

But on another note, I really don't want to grow old. :( We take it for granted that we will be able to do everything we can do now forever - touching our toes, falling down and getting up again, solving math problems, playing ultimate frisbee, but no! we can't, not for long. I want to immortalise my youth but so does everyone, and that's, as of now, impossible. :( So treasure the time we have!

In addition, the dance lesson we have been anticipating for so long is finally over! The handsome, charismatic, korean-ish dance instructor turned out to... have such a gay voice! HAHAHAHAHAHA jk's taste in men falls flat again xD But I like him lots anyway, because guess what! HE CHOREOGRAPHED HIS DANCE TO RISING SUN!!!! :D

Today I've explored so many boundaries - interacting with old people, dancing to rising sun, sleeping while standing on the mrt (i was that tired!), sleeping over dinner, sleeping while walking (and banging into so many people and feeling utterly miserable)!

But ah! Today was quite a good start to my meaningful holidays. (: And tomorrow, I will tell you all about my plans for these few weeks! I will no longer waste away my youth and free time. Instead, I will ENRICH myself with skills and knowledge and WOW everyone at how wise and talented yuhui will have become by 2007! :D

I took my first step when I knew who Kim Jong Il was, over so many other people. He's that korean superstar, don't you know! xD

Vanilla Banana! Post a Comment

Saturday, November 25, 2006
11:17 PM


In the space of one week seven days, I have met so many amazing people! It's quite surreal really, how someone can touch your life, in just one moment. Whether it's an encouraging word, a helping hand, or just a friendly hug.

I have realised, people are wise.
Really, truly, indefinitely! Somehow I find that I keep learning, and that I am so often left speechless or pensive by simple words people say. (And then I wonder, yuhui where has all your useless thinking gone to! :/)

Everytime something has passed I always wonder if I could have done more, but that's silly don't you think! And even sillier that I continue to feel like that year after year, event after event. Do something about it, we all must!

This has been a really special week: ICYL! I'm so glad that I signed myself up (such a last min decision too, deciding to join and desperately filling up the form 30min before the deadline when I had no previous intention whatsoever to do so) because I got to meet so many really fantastic people. :D More people, and more about the people around me (like the S3s)!

Being in this convention really established in me a profound respect for the OC and all the effort and emotion they put in to make it a success. I remember so clearly complaining about all the time commitments, moaning about having to wake up early, about how our scenario was so strange, how SFL was so strange, and how having a feminist convention was the strangest of it all! But now all I can think of is how selfish I have been! In comparison to the (clever! capable! amazing! wonderful! pretty! bluff you one!) OC, the effort we put in pales so much in comparison. You know, the facs secretly think that they rock big time, and we all want to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH and GOOD JOB!

There are some things I'll always remember about convention - the terrible training lunches, stoning through trainings with shuting, feeling so terribly cheated that charlotte didn't actually lose her wallet, wearing formal u for the first time in my life, informal journalism briefing (zan and her power brrrr, becky&charlotte: what do you feel about apples? oranges? potatoes? tomatotes? chairs? tables? okay you get the idea!), bridge addiction, shiya's insanity, joey's infectious laughter, the welcome feeling you get when you enter a group's room and everyone smiles and says hello, how messy the SLAC is and, of course, the endless flow of food!


I meant to say something inspiring after all of that but, you know! I slept from 5:30am-8:00am this morning and nothing else so I'm not feeling very inspiring myself at the moment! :/

And so I shall conclude - ICYL was AMAZING! (I sincerely apologise for the lack of vocabulary)

I feel... contented! As if I just had a very satisfying meal. :D Just because I am surrounded by amazing and beautiful people :D and hohoho I shall strive to be one myself!



Vanilla Banana! Post a Comment

Sunday, November 19, 2006
12:02 AM

I have found solace in something, haha! Something to make me smile whenever I'm feeling down. :)

In the middle of the heavy, aching night, here's something to illuminate your computer screen and to turn you into a silly grinning and HAPPY silhouette! :D

[MV] DBSK - 풍선 (Balloons)

I have decided to change the way I blog, as you will see, possibly! :)
Until the next post, DONG BANG SHIN KI FIGHTING!

Vanilla Banana! Post a Comment

Friday, November 17, 2006
11:57 PM


Jack of all trades, master of none. Jack of all trades, master of none. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Somehow the empty spaces in my head seem only to multiply like spineless amoeba and meanwhile happily reject all meaningful bits of information I try to drill in. Like, jack of all trades, master of none. Perhaps if I pretended I couldn't see or tell, it would float in unnoticed.

People complain when they aren't given choices. It's a fight for liberty, they claim, and, excitedly (or as they would say, passionately), we are freedom fighters! People complain when they are given too many choices. There are so many cakes to taste I don't know which to start with, they say. But how ridiculous can it get, when so many don't even get to nibble on stale bread.

Tired! I shall stop thinking, my brain cells are giving way, giving way to the overcast black. It keeps things like eventual doom and the bane of mankind in its silver, glittery dinner clutch. Only the silver is engulfed in the glory of the darkness in tow, but yes, I am very sleepy!

Goodnight world, I'm counting on my eloquence in sleeptalking to convince shutterfly to work faster. Body repair time 10-2 here I come!

Vanilla Banana! Post a Comment

10:10 PM

under a big umbrella

Sometimes, it suddenly strikes me how beautiful a person can be. I suppose that's what they mean by inner beauty; it's something that emanates through skin and bone, it's a really really bright gem, that no age nor adversity can weather nor dull. Really! Sometimes it's just one simple action, or just one careless word, that can suddenly unveil that inner shine in people. I'm not exaggerating - when this happens, someone really starts to glow! It happens for me, at least.

I want to be someone like that! But I am more aware than anyone else how flawed I am, and sometimes flawed so badly that I feel so disgusted at and disappointed with myself. :( Contrast is especially evident when you are surrounded by so many shining gems! Sometimes I really wonder if this happens to everyone, or if I'm just the scum of society. :(

People say that experience toughens, but somehow it seems to be to have turned into an excuse for unkindness and suspicion. Euphemistically put, it's self-protection, and in a way, quite important in the modern society. But somehow, viewing others through such coloured lens, no matter how simple the deed is, compromises a lot on interpersonal relationships and trust. I suppose it depends on what you value more; the relationship or yourself.

I don't know why, I think I'm biased, but when someone shows that she doesn't trust anyone else, I feel as if I can't trust her myself.

But in the end, I think we're all just too sheltered! Perhaps I know too little, I am the sheltered one, I am the narrow-minded one! I admit, empathy is not one of my strengths, but sometimes, to me, rationalising just seems like such a clearcut path.

But ah! Would I know?

I just feel that sometimes, people shouldn't insist that they are in the right, just because they can, or have the authority to do so.

Vanilla Banana!

To focus on a big picture rather thann on the small pot of plant at your balcony.

The world is big and lots of uncertainties and complexities for you to find out!

Be understanding, appreciative and kind to your love ones!

Good intentions and advises will need time to be proven and for you to realise

Time to grow-up and be matured!

Signed! Oldman
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Monday, November 13, 2006
11:04 PM

the korean wave!

I didn't realise that I hadn't blogged for so long! But it comes so naturally to load youtube once I come online now, that I have no time for anything else at all, other than sleep, once the date on the clock changes.

Hope that the inspiration DBSK has brought to me isn't just another flash in the pan, and that I will eventually do something about singing and dancing and playing the piano and the guitar and all!

I came online today because I wanted to share about what I watched on Crossfire, a channel 8 talk-debate show, about han2 liu2, the korean wave (?). It's quite interesting how a DJ has written a book all about it, and they've studied it like the rise and fall of a country's economy, persay. With sine waves and bar charts and statistics and whatnots. A wave is successful when, because of the artistes, people are drawn to the country as it is itself; its history, its people, its language. Collaboration with a country's culutre, put concisely. The culture which Singapore does not have!

Evidently, I have to admit, I'm as much a victim of this new chao liu, as I have never been before. But yes! Korea has risen to a new height in my eyes! What used to be a crude and primitive sounding language is now the all-important key to unlocking the secret code all Korean stars manipulate, and what used to be sappy and wet (some of which still are, like winter sonata :/) have become COOL KOREAN DRAMAS (GOONG LOVEE!)! :D

Hey, even people like AJ (who have always laughed at us entertainment industry people) are becoming increasingly appreciative of the games/skills we can learn from these Korean shows! 'MANSEI!', she proclaims gleefully.

But looking at it objectively, it is really just like any other social phenomena, with its rises and falls, the push and pull factors, the reasons and effects and consequences!

There's a changing mindset nowadays, I suppose. I don't know if mine rebounds off anyone else, but to me, singing and dancing; performing on stage is definitely a talent. Unlike what one of the speakers on the show said, "He just has to sing a little song, and money comes falling in from the sky." (They were disucssing Rain's $888 tickets) I believe that a lot of hard work, sweat and effort goes into the whole performance. It's hours of backstage work just for those few minutes of glamour. Of which, we only see the few minutes on stage.

It's just like any other profession really!

But what really struck me is, there has been a tai liu, a ri liu, a han liu... will it ever be time for the xin liu?

Daddy happily says, "Oh then you go start la!"

Easier said than done, darlings!

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07A14 THE WIN!
HWACHONG family :D


-I'd rather you don't click it because the html goes wonky!









beb joey
dawn ms hk
genevieve p
hui min
jie ying
kylie donkey
nicole leong
nicole yeo
sarah tai
siti sashimi
shu han
shu ning
xinyi lim
yue zhen

Lissa Explains